#221 Jessi takes a photo with Sandara (10/14/15)

Recovered post

Originally posted on:10/14/15

Dispatch - Naver: 'Unni is cute'...Jessi takes a photo with Sandara Park

1. [+3,879, -46] Heol Sandara Park is the unni....

2. [+3,023, -46] Sandara Park has such a babyface..

3. [+2,480, -65] Sandara's face is really tiny

4. [+2,016, -36] Sandara's the youngest-looking among female stars ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+1,223, -128] Jessi's face

6. [+544, -22] Sandara is gorgeous

7. [+490, -16] Heol... Sandara is older ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+444, -19] Wait, who did you say is older?

9. [+330, -11] Despite knowing Jessi's age, for a moment, I thought Sandara's the younger one.

10. [+271, -18] Sandara looks like Jessi's niece here

11. [+73, -4]  Sandara looks super young. She's 32 while Jessi is 28...

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