#266 Casting controversies of female celebrities (10/25/15)

Recovered post

Originally posted on: 10/25/15

Segye Daily - Naver: Casting controversies, who's throwing stones at these ladies? 

1. [+14,700, -431] These controversies would disappear if they're good at acting

2. [+14,484, -932] There are rookies who are much more talented than them. But the truth is,  their starting lines are different

3. [+9,147, -311] There wouldn't be controversies the first place if they're good at acting

4. [+1,720, -41] The reason why Jo Hye Jung is getting criticized is she gets a lead role but her acting is nowhere near as good

5. [+1,675, -34] In 'Please Take Care of My Dad', it was revealed that she went to auditions but failed each time. Then randomly, she landed a lead role

6. [+1,249, -51] How ridiculous is it that Jo Jae Hyun's daughter now being mentioned along with those three

7. [+1,015, -36] Did you get paid to write this article? You're trying too hard to protect them

8. [+994, -97] Kim Go Eun-ssi doesn't match the webtoon character.  Her acting wasn't good in 'A Muse' and her other movies

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