#295 Jung Joon Young as Snow White (10/30/15)

Recovered post
Originally posted on: 10/30/15


tv Report - Naver: Jung Joon Young transforms into Snow White... A handsome woman 

1. [+151, -1] Ah.. Prettier than a woman ㅎㅎㅎ

2. [+142, -2] Jung Joon Young is way prettier than Snow White

3. [+103, -2] Handsome woman, agreed! Can't wait for your concert

4. [+93, -2] What a cool fanservice. He's really pretty

5. [+52, 0]  Jung Joon Young's pretty ㅋㅋ That's a true fan service. I'll be going to his concert in December

6. [+54, -3] I thought this was Krystal...Freaking pretty

7. [+48, -1] Didn't read the title and thought this was Hyeri

1. [+72, -11] He looks like Krystal here

2. [+63, -10] Jung Joon Young's a wacky person but I really like him

3. [+47, -21] Definitely prettier than a woman~ How can you beat that visual?

4. [+29, -8] Why so pretty?^^ I'm a woman and you're making me jealous

5. [+30, -12] Not Snow White but the Witch

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