#329 Your favorite movie?

Recovered post
Originally posted on:11/07/15


Hankyerye- Naver: Do you have a favorite movie?

1. [+1,575, -74] I love 'Spirited Away' ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+913, -55] Titanic

3. [+945, -186] Your Are the Apple of my Eye

4. [+677, -74] Leon! Jean Reno and Natalie Portman's gazes are unforgettable

5. [+512, -22] People tend to look down on animation but there are many of us who have it as our favorite movies

6. [+527, -77] Be With You! I cried my eyes out with that one

7. [+466, -30]  'Howl's Moving Castle' is a work of art. Joe Hisaishi composed the music and my favorite OST in the movie is 'Merry-Go-Round of Life'. The story, message and music are gorgeous

8. [+358, -18] Dead Poet's Society ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ The captain (Robin Williams) has left this world

9. [334, -38] Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

10. [+220, -20] Love Letter

11. [+198, -15] The Harry Potter movies came out during my teenage years

12. [+184, -6] I always mention 'Life is Beautiful' whenever I get asked about my favorite movie. It's both sad and profoundly beautiful. Makes me miss my late father

13. [+154, -8] Billy Elliot. The last scene where the boy leaps in the air gets me every time

14. [+150, -28] Inception!!!!!!!!!!!

15. [+133, -13] 'About Time' is one of the best movies I've seen recently

16. [+113, -12] The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

17. [+89, 0] The Shawshank Redemption

18. [+84, -2] Good Will Hunting. The 'It's not your fault' scene is powerful

19. [+81, -2] Cinema Paradiso ....

20. [+75, -3] 'Forrest Gump' is amazing. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

21. [+75, -3] My all-time favorite is Notting Hill.. The final bench scene is beautiful

22. [+71, -2] Edward Scissorhands

23. [+76, -8] Hayao Miyazaki's films hold a special place in my heart

24. [+66, -5] Pride and Prejudice, About Time, The Devil Wears Prada

25. [+49, -5] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

26. [+48, -3] Titanic

27. [+44, -4] I've watched 'Pride and Prejudice' 10 times and it's still is as beautiful as the first time

28. [+43, -6] 'The Notebook' and 'Before Midnight'


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