#760 Celebrities and their moms

Recovered post
Originally posted on:  04/22/16

Sports Chosun - Naver: 'Who is your mom?'... Curious about these celebrities' mothers! 

1. [+2,474, -96] Hyeri and Sae Ron's mom's could pass off as their unnies... They look extremely young...

2. [+2,361, -87] I thought Kim Sae Ron's mom was her unni.. I'd believe you if you said they were sisters

3. [+697, -41] The power of genes is strong

4. [+530, -35] They're all beautiful

5. [+464, -32] Like mother, like daughter~~ Genes are strong ^^

6. [+126, -3] Having a mom who looks young isn't always a good thing. I personally prefer simple but elegant-looking mom like Jung Il Woo's

7. [+129, -6] Jung Il Woo's mom is elegant and beautiful

8. [+101, -1] I love my mom the most

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