#59 [Photo shoots] Yoo Seung Ho for High Cut, Yeo Jin Goo for Vogue

Recovered post from old blog
Originally posted on: Aug 21, 2015 

Xports News - Naver: Yoo Seung Ho, have you always been this sexy?, 'radiates masculine appeal'

1. [+1,579, -33] Aigoo Seung Ho-ya ❤️❤️

2. [+1,565, -63] He deserves to be called the '20s Won Bin'

3. [+1,464, -25] He looked so much better after coming back from the army!!

4. [+1,057, -25] Freaking handsome and talented at acting~ Definitely an actor to look forward to

5. [+913, -23] Seung Ho-ya, this hyung's cheering for you

6. [+102, -2] Now that he started working out, other actors better be prepared

7. [+58, -6] He looks like So Ji Sub. They get sexier with age

8. [+38, -6] The top visual among actors in their 20s

Dispatch - Naver:"I'm 19 years old"... Yeo Jin Goo, a boy's charisma

1. [+1,988, -53] Jin Goo oppa....

2. [+1,231, -43] If you're handsome, you're my oppa. Oppa!!

3. [+952, -36] Jin Goo's an amazing actor

4. [+292, -11] He's already 19?? Seems like it was just yesterday when he was a little kid.. He's officially an adult next year

5. [+239, -14] Reasons why he's cool: Flawless, copper-toned skin, pearly-white teeth.... and his voice.....

6. [+168, -16] Hyung, I like you so much ㅋㅋ

7. [+164, -27] Hoping he becomes the 2nd Yoo Seung Ho..

8. [+133, -8] Damn hot ㅠㅠ This is why they call him 'oppa'...

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