#1568 Park Bogum ranked #1 actor of 2016 on the Gallup polls

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Originally posted on: 12/14/2016

Ilgan Sports News - Naver: Park Bogum beats Song Song couple and ranked the top actor of 2016

1. Park Bogum
2. Song Joong Ki
3. Song Hye Kyo
4. Kim Yoo Jung
5. Jo Jung Seok
6. Ra Mi Ran
7. Gong Hyo Jin
8. Go Doo Shim
9. Jeon Ji Hyun
10. Kim Hee Ae

1. [+4,376, -274] Park Bogum, you did your best this year. Congrats and I'm always supporting you

2. [+2,828, -250] He continuously hit daebak with Reply and then Moonlight. Amazing, congrats

3. [+3,306, -229] Park Bogum!!!! Congrats. I'm waiting for your next work. Fighting always

4. [+3,110, -234] Pretty legit considering he hit daebak with Reply and Moonlight

5. [+2,640, -209] Congrats~^^

6. [+858, -75] He wore hanbok despite the hot summer weather but still cheerful when filming. Hoping the good results of his hard work continues by year's end! Park Bogum fighting

7. [+809, -75] Woah Park Bogum!!!!!Congrats!!!!!

8. [+792, -75] Congrats Park Bogum. Thank you for working hard this year!!

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