#307 Journalist asks if Seohyun is a doll or human

Recovered post
Originally posted on:11/02/15


fnnews- Naver: SNSD Seohyun "Doll or human?"

1. [+5,823, -365] She looks like a human to me...

2. [+5,205, -343] Human. I'm sure of it.

3. [+4,560, -597] Journalist, she's not a doll

4. [+3,667, -318] She's human

5. [+3,442, -311] Human

6. [+1,299, -85] Journalist, Seohyun's getting bashed because of your title

7. [+1,084, -79] The journalist did wrong

8. [+1,038, -130] She's a human. What else?

9. [+863, -60] Reporters are problematic. She didn't do anything wrong but she gets hate over a totally dumb title

10. [+441, -35] Her coat looks warm

11. [+534, -222] She's a pretty human ㅎㅎ

12. [+126, -51] Seohyun is really pretty

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