#411 Anecdotes of Won Bin and his family

Recovered post

Originally posted on:  12/05/15

Anecdote 1 
When Won Bin was in  high school, he told his mom that he wanted to be a celebrity but she said to him, "There are better looking guys than you in Gangneung. Do you think anyone can be a celebrity? Stop saying nonsense and focus on your studies."

Anecdote 2 
(Won Bin's parents interview)
Interviewer: Father, your son is handsome because he takes after you^^
WB's Father: He thinks he's handsome. Of course a son must take after his father, who else would he take after. He looks average to me.
Interviewer: But... aren't you proud of him?
WB's Father: There are kids who grew up better than him. I don't find him that amazing

Anecdote 3
On his way to Won Bin's hometown, an entertainment reporter asked an elder for directions

Reporter: Excuse me, do you know where Won Bin's house is?
Elder: (Nonchalantly) Over there!
Reporter: Thank you

When the reporter arrived at Won Bin's house, the elder who taught him the directions got there too.

Reporter: Omo, father we meet agin. What brings you here?
Elder; This is our house.

Elder=Won Bin's dad

Anecdote 4
Won Bin went home to his hometown looking so disheveled. While he was harvesting chilli peppers in their yard, a woman spotted him and she asked if she could take a photo with him.

Woman: Oppa, I'm a big fan. Would you take a photo with me please?
Won Bin: I don't look too good right now... I'm sorry

His mom scolds him, "Why make it such a big deal? What's hard about taking a photo with someone!?"

Won Bin took a photo with the woman and even gave her an autograph.

Anecdote 5 
(Won Bin in an interview)

When I'm with my nunas, they usually persuade me to go to Dongdaemun with them to shop for clothes. And if I tell them that I don't want to go, they would scold me and they would say "Never mind! Aren't you being so self-conscious? No one would recognize you".

But that's not what I mean. Even when I tell them,  "I don't want you nunas to be uncomfortable" they'd be like, "You're too full of yourself".

My family doesn't think of me as a star.

Anecdote 6
After Won Bin and Lee Na Young confirmed their relationship,  a reporter went to Won Bin's parents for an interview.

Reporter: Were you aware that Won Bin had a girlfriend?
Parents: We weren't. We didn't know because we don't use computers or watch tv.
Reporter: Did your son tell you about it?
Won Bin's mother: Our son never tells us things like that. When he visits us, he normally doesn't tell stories. He takes after his father who's not much of a talker.
Reporter: I think they're gonna get married soon.
Parents: Dunno. Maybe, maybe not. It's up to them to decide.

Anecdote 7
(During Won Bin's interview)

Reporter: So you're the maknae of a big household. Don't they pressure you to get married?
Won Bin: My family isn't like that. Each member lives by his/her own principles. We're carefree.

(OP claims that these are all true and were taken from broadcast or magazine articles)

Instiz: The class of Won Bin's family ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-His family is super chillㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-His dad's funny

-Gangneung must be a flower garden

-As expected from parents who raised a CG

-Gangneung must be the perfect place for me to live in if there are handsomer guys than Won Bin

-I like this family ㅋㅋㅋ

(Hey guys, sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been swamped with term projects and final exams. Good luck to anyone who have finals! Fighting!!!)

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