#432 Dramas that you watched for the younger versions of the leads
Recovered post
Originally posted on: 12/12/15-
Will It Snow For Christmas?
Angel Eyes
The Moon Embracing the Sun
Instiz: Good dramas but are only worth-watching for the younger cast
-'Will It Snow for Christmas' made me become a Kim Soo Hyun fan
-Although I'm a huge Go Soo fan, WISFC started to get boring when the adult cast took over. The younger actors' parts were really fun and Kim Soo Hyun's shoe-tying scene is unforgettable
-They picked the wrong actor to play Im Siwan's older version in 'The Moon Embracing the Sun'
-I watched 'Angel Eyes' for Kang Haneul and Nam Jihyun
-'Man from the Equator' should be on the list
-'Shark' is an amazing drama despite the ending ã… ã… ã…
-'My Love Eun Dong'... It just got so weird midway
-I knew 'Angel Eyes' and TMETS would be on the list ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
-I completely agree with TMETSã… ã… I started watching it for Kim So Hyun, Kim Yoo Jung and Yeo Jin Goo but gave up when their parts were over
-Please include 'May Queen'...
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