#774 What's your favorite SNSD title track?

Recovered post
Originally posted on:  04/30/16

1. Into the New World

2. Girls' Generation

3. Kissing You

4. Baby Baby

5. Gee

6. Tell Me Your Wish

7. Oh!

8. Run Devil Run 

9. Hoot

10. The Boys 

11. I Got a Boy 

12. Mr. Mr. 

13. Party

14. Lion Heart

Instiz: What's your favorite SNSD title track?

-1 and 13

- 1, 2, 13

-1, 4. I get a tingle of excitement listening to those two

-ITNW turned me into a fan but Baby Baby is my favorite

-All! Looking at this list, you realize they've tried out various concepts

-I like Mr. Mr.

-All except The Boys and Party. I love listening to their old songs

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