Actors who completed their military service before they got popular

Yoo Yeon Seok
-32 years old
-served in the Air Force, discharged in 2007

Yeon Woo Jin
-32 years old
-enlisted in the army when he was 20

Lee Kwang Soo
-31 years old
-discharged in 2007

Byun Yo Han
-30 years old
-discharged in 2008

Kwak Shi Yang
-30 years old
-enlisted at 24

Yoon Kyun Sang
-29 years old
-discharged in 2010

Yoon Park
-29 years old
-Served as a conscripted policeman in his early 20s

Jung Hae In
-28 years old
-enlisted at 21

Park Seo Joon
-Discharged in 2010

L-R: Lee Ji Hoon, Lee Yi Kyung, Jang Dong Yoon, Ahn Jae Hong

Daum Cafe: Actors who completed their military service before they got popular 

-Ryu Junyeol completed his service too, right??
>Yes he has

-Ahn Jae Hyun and Ryu Junyeol too

-It's better to serve early while you can

-Why does Jung Hae In look familiar? Can't remember where I've seen him before
>He's Taehee oppa in Goblin

-Completing his service early did wonders for Park Seo Joon's career


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