[Spoilers] Chief Kim
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Ep 13

Naver - tv Report: Namgoong Min turns Junho into a butt grabber.. revenge success
1. [+2,259, -41] The actress in the butt scene is so good ㅋㅋ How could a drama not have one terrible actor in it?
2. [+1,643, -43] Everything was hilarious today, from the dialogues to the anticsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm happy Mong Seokie is showing self-improvementㅎㅎ
3. [+1,104, -41] Kyaah cider!!!
4. [+900, -51] From a hero to avenger!!!
5. [+773, -36] Totally cider!
6. [+378, -19] Junho's acting is daebak! He and Namgoong Min make this drama shine~ Not to mention, there's Mong Seok too ㅎㅎ (tn: his character's name is Myung Seok but viewers affectionately call him Mong Seok, probably because they adore him. 'Mong' is short for 'mongmongie' = puppy)
7. [+339, -8] His revenge is childish but it's refreshing and very Chief Kim-like ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
8. [+295, -7] And yet another day of Jerry attacking Tom ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Naver - Herald Pop: Lee Junho's acting's crazy impact in Chief Kim
1. [+1,761, -29] It's accurate to say that Seo Yool is a monster not a villain! Junho's acting is amazing, as if he's really possessed by Seo Yool !!
2. [+1,589, -47] Forget about singer Junho ㆍㅎㅎㆍI didn't even know that he was a 2PM member. From the fine details when he switches expressions to the movement in his facial muscles, he just blows me away. Please hit daebak like Seo Hyun Jin
3. [+1,303, -31] He's really good in Chief Kim, he even knows how to be creepy
4. [+1,259, -36] His character has many layers and complexities and he's pretty good at expressing all that
5. [+1,109l, -30] I support the singer Junho but seeing him in Chief Kim, I realize he's seriously grown to be an actor ㅠㅠㅠ You never get that impression that he's an idol actor but just an actor ㅠㅠㅠIt's not easy to be good at two things~~
EP 14
Naver - Osen: Namgoong Min gets in danger after successfully fighting back at Junho
1. [+1,446, -29] Park Mong Seok's the unexpected dark horse, his screen presence is daebak ㅋAlso, Director Seo will help him... Namgoong Min isn't the only gem in the cast, but everyone is. This drama is the best
2. [+1,387, -28] Mong Seok's screen time increased ㅋㅋ He gained more fans, including me ㅎㅎ
3. [+1,188, -36] Mong Seok is sweetㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+1,089, -29] Mong Seokie! Our maknae is cool... When he becomes a chairman later on, he will value his experiences to help him run the company properly
5. [+395, -7] I died laughing when the 3 lawyers showed up ㅋㅋㅋㅋPlease care for me too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+383, -12] Mong Seok and Seo Yool are cute ㅋㅋ My Wednesdays and Thursdays are happy thanks to Chief Kim ㅋㅋAnd tomorrow there's the impeachment trial. Hope you all have a nice weekend
7. [+357, -10] Cider~~~ Felt enormously relieved when the workers received their pay~ I totally agree that this world has more people who grow old rather than grow up. This drama is packed full of lessons
8. [+349, -14] I don't know why but I felt bad for Mong Seok today
9. [+327, -16] Mong Seok is a scene stealer ㅜㅜㅜㅜHe is endlessly cute
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