Celebrities who worked as fitting models


Goo Hara

Kim Go Eun

Ha Yeon Soo 

Park Hwan Hee 


Lee Joon

Kim Sejung

Yoon Shi Yoon 

Son Soo Hyun

Infinite's Nam Woo Hyun
Daum Cafe: 11 celebrities who worked as shopping mall fitting models 

-Yoon Shi Yoon is really good-looking

-As I scroll down, I was like, thank goodness Woohyun's not on here but there he is on the bottom of the listㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Did Kim Go Eun take those photos yesterday? She has not changed one bit

-Hyomin was popular as an ulzzang too

-Kim Go Eun, Suzy and Yoon Shi Yoon still look the same to this day


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