Kim Jaejoong donates 20 million won to help a Thai fan who fell into a coma

Sports Chosun via Naver: JYJ Kim Jaejoong donates 20 million won to a Thai fan who fell into coma 

1. [+5,676, -160] That's really cool of Kim Jaejoong. I'm praying for your recovery

2. [+4,281, -127] Wow.. His love for his fans is amazing...

3. [+3,271, -109] His heart is beautiful

4. [+2,747, -114] You're the man!

5. [+2,552, -435] So different from someone in the same group

6. [+627, -31] No matter how wealthy a person is, it's not that easy to donate even as little as $5

7. [+554, -24] Wow daebak... I'm seeing Kim Jaejoong differently.. I hope the fan recovers ㅠㅠ

8. [+475, -23] He's amazing..

9. [+466, -28] He is very handsome but what he did makes him even more handsome.. Jjang

10. [+469, -32] Kim Jaejoong is known for his warm-hearted personality, it's no surprise that he has a solid fandom ㅋㅋ


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