Which group of celebrity friends would you want to see on 'Youths Over Flowers'?

1.  'Sunny' division
Nam Bo Ra, Kang So Ra, Park Jin Joo, Chun Woo Hee, Kim Min Young, Kim Bo Ra, Min Hyo Rin 

2. byh48
Byun Yohan, Lee Dong Hwi,  Ji Soo, Ryu Junyeol, EXO Suho, Kim Hee Chan etc.

3. Trio of idol friends
Kwanghee, Jung Yonghwa, Lee Joon + Im Siwan

4. Jo In Sung division
Jo In Sung, Lee Kwangsoo, Song Joong Ki, Im Joo Hwan, EXO's DO

5. Legendary Ahjaes
Jo Seung Woo, Ji Jin Hee, Hwang Jung Min

6. Doojoonese
Yoon Doojoon, Sandeul, Hoya, Xiumin

7. Child actresses
Kim So Hyun, Kim Sae Ron, Jin Ji Hee, Lee Young Yoo

Daum Cafe: Which out of these groups of celebrity friends would you want to see the most on Youths Over Flowers? 

-Legendary ahjaes and Doojoonese, because when will you ever see them together in real life ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-555 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㄱ But let's face it,  they'll probably be spending most of their time drinking

-I'd seriously pay to see 4 or 5

-Doojoonese would be hilarious

-Na PD, let's make 5 happen


-5, they're not youths but who cares ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I wanna see girls this time, so I pick 1


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