Something that idol fans are surprisingly reluctant to do

theqoo: Something that idol fans are surprisingly reluctant to do  

is touching idols' faces

-A handshake is enough, I don't like touching people's faces

-If they were that close to me, I'd be frozen

-I'm scared of ruining their makeup

-I'm surprised they just easily let their fans touch their faces like that

-No thanks, I would be happy with a handshake

-It honestly makes me cringe when I see fans do that

-I have long nails and I'm scared I'd give them scratches if hundreds of other fans are pushing their way to do so

-Err, I don't wanna ruin their makeup ㅠㅠ I'd rather hug them or pat their head

-My hands would be shaking ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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